Tuesday, January 3, 2017


A brand new year lies ahead like a blank canvas. I love this time of year for that very reason! Everyone loves a fresh new beginning. Each year I pray for a word that might encompass what I want my year ahead to look like, it mostly becomes the lesson I need to learn. This year both my boys picked their own words too!

I chuckled as Finley said his word was "Sorting". He wants to learn how to sort things. I'm pretty certain this word came to be because I packed up some of his old toys to give away while he wasn't present!

 Axyl very plainly and earnestly said his word was "Money"! Oh my! It should be interesting to see what each one learns as they move their way through 2017!

My word for 2017 is "Experience".  I desire to do less checking off the to do list and more drinking in of moments.  To be fully "with" my God and all the beautiful people He has placed so lovingly in my life.
Chevy and I just had a discussion while setting outside enjoying a few minutes of a 68 degree day in January. We want more moments like this. The boys were taking turns hitting balls off their tee and cheering for each other. We were drinking in the moment. He said, " How do we get more moments like this?"

Isn't that the question we all are asking? How do we learn to slow our pace enough to experience all the little moments that we usually rush by? We often feel like we have to fight for these moments or take special care to create them, yet they are always right there if we would learn to drink them in and fully experience the precise moment we occupy. Most of us live in our heads, either in the past or we are already ten steps into the future.

May 2017 bring us all moments to fully experience! May we learn to be present and enjoy this journey of life! Because all those little moments make up our life!

"Receive and experience the amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, deep, deep within yourselves." Philippians 4:23 MSG

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