Sunday, August 7, 2016

Pride and Perfection

Disclaimer: This one is going to sting like hell....

Growing up as a "Christian" has always been a joy of mine! I accepted Christ as my Savior at the age of 10. I learned very early how to walk with Him. However...I also learned very early how to efficiently judge others without considering myself "judgemental"! I also learned how to feed my pride without being "prideful"! And how to behave "perfectly" so I would receive the approval of others, without "striving to please others!"

I place the blame on no one other than the Enemy. He would lead me to believe that "Perfection" is attainable. That I was such a good "Christian" that I was beyond sin's grasp.... All a LIE!
NO ONE is BEYOND the Grasp of Sin.... Because... NEWS FLASH! WE ARE ALL HUMAN BEINGS that Christ had to die for!!!

I  am reminded of the story of the rich young ruler. You remember the story? He came to Jesus asking what he must do to have eternal life? He called Jesus, "Good teacher". To which Jesus asked "Why do you call me good?" "No one is good except God alone."  (NEWS FLASH.... If Jesus said this about Himself how much more should we understand we are not "good" only God in us is

Jesus replied to him that he must know all the commandments and must follow them. The ruler was quick to answer.. "All these I have kept since I was a boy." Jesus then said he lacked one thing. He told him to go sell everything he had and follow him.  The guy couldn't do it!

I used to think, man what a bummer this guy gave it all up for his stuff... tisk, tisk! Then it struck me, it wasn't necessarily his stuff..... It was his pride!!!

Jesus told him he was not good enough on his own.. And the ruler could not take it!    I mean this guy had all his crap together... Of course he should have qualified as a "Christian" with a sterling reputation. He followed all the rules, he probably only hung out with "Christian" friends, I'm sure he attended every Bible Study available, he used all the "Christian" words.  He did everything right. But PRIDE would keep him from attaining all the Father had for him. He couldn't even see it!

It's me! It's a SMACK right in the face. The PRIDE must FALL!! And He will bring us all to a place out of His great LOVE for us that it finally will! I can promise you one thing. When it happens it will sting like HELL! Like an open wound that alcohol is poured over to disinfect.

But the disinfection has to happen. And the most beautiful part is that Christ wants our entire heart. Not just the pretty sparkly parts we hold out for others to see, but the dark parts that make us grimace when faced with the light. The parts that hurt when pushed on. The parts we want NO ONE to see! He already sees it all. He's just waiting for each of us to willingly hold up our hearts to Him!

When we do, when we bring those dark, ugly parts to the light. The ENEMY LOSES!!! Because we are already victorious!!! 

"Pride brings a person low, but the lowly gain honor." Proverbs 29:23


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